Η Λίστα με τις ομάδες που έχουν έως τώρα δηλώσει συμμετοχή στο A4G NOMADIC CUP 2023 – The list of teams that have so far registered for the A4G NOMADIC CUP 2023

Δηλώστε την ομάδα σας εδώ – Register your team here

Team Name: The Semi-noobs
Team Captain: fpl_whisperer
Captain’s Discord: fpl_whisperer
Team Time zone: GMT+3 / CET+1
Team Name: Sauber Petronas Michelin
Team Captain: GL.Grabwespe
Captain’s Discord: Grabwespe
Player  1: GL.Grabwespe (https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-2810993)
Player  2: Armchair Saurus (https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-2840236)
Team Time zone: GMT +2
Team Name: Kill Onagers with Bombard Cannons (KOBC)
Team Captain: Panakota
Captain’s Discord: Panakota
Team Time zone: GMT+3/GMT+2
Team Name: HOWL
Team Captain: Dr.Kozmonot Team
Captain’s Discord: dr.kozmonot
Player 1: Dr.Kozmonot (AoEnet link: https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-3446882)
Player 2: Yax (AoE2net link: https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-2944434)
Player 3: Cyclops (AoEnet link: https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-907464)
Player 4: ronotovi ( AoEnet link: https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-1993381)
Team Time Zone: GMT +3
Team Name : Fox
Team Captain : Fox.Tointoin
Team Captain discord : Tointoin
Team Time Zone: GMT+2
Team Name : The Bonezone
Team captain: Midu
Team Captain discord: midu
Team Time Zone: GMT / GMT -4
Team Name: t00 many c00ks
Team Captain: oceaningabyss
Team Captain’s Discord: oceaningabyss
Player 3: aureliusofrome (https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-226902)
Team Time zone: GMT+3/GMT-4/GMT-5
Team Name: Suomi B
Team Captain: Mullisaukko
Team Captain’s Discord: Mullisaukko
Team Time zone GMT+3
Team Name: Les Miserables
Team Captain: Faneth
Team Captain’s discord: Faneth
Team Time zone GMT+2
Team Name: la pandilla de tortuga
Team Captain: TrCL Wenegor
Team Captain’s Discord: Wenegor
Team Time Zone: GMT +1 and one USA Time Zone (will edit later)
Team Name: Bebotes de Metu
Team Captain: LANDON
Team Captain’s Discord: landon0334
Team Time Zone: GMT-3
Team Name: Admin Win
Team Captain: Deaker
Team Captain’s Discord: IgnacioLM#8356
Team Time Zone:
Team Name : La Academia
Team Captain: webber
Team Captain’s Discord: webber#0098
Team Time Zone: GMT -3
Team Name: Pinheads Team
Captain: PabloG6
Team Captain´s Discord: pablog6
Player 3: El Que Maneja La Combi https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-2793448
Team Time Zone: GMT -3
Team Name: XEVER A
Team Captain: nahuel05

Team Captain´s Discord: nahuel05


Player 4 : eskabe https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-880057

Team Time Zone:

Team Name: Los Conxetumare
Team Capitan: chanchilaru
Team Captain’s Discord: chanchilaru

Player 1: chanchilaru https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-557273
Player 2: Parawhas https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-4744495
Player 3: Lueto https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-447326

Team Time Zone: GMT-3

Team Name: TM Dumbos
Team Captain: Shepex
Team Captain’s Discord: Shepex

Player 1: TM Toms https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-403270
Player 2: TM Lucho https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-9423131
Player 3: TM Tomiakd https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-1326441
Player 4: TM Shepex https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-169192

Team Time Zone: GMT-3 and one with GMT+12


Team Name: XEVER BTeam Captain: iDabs
Team Captain’s Discord: iDabs

Player 1: XEVER | iDabs https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-4477199
Player 2: XEVER | Tatengue https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-1361923
Player 3: XEVER | Aguscuruzu https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-2997508
Player 4: XEVER | Landy https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-2979038

Team Time Zone:

Team Captain: HeisenN
Team Captain’s Discord: heisenn.Player 1: HeisenN https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-2407064
Player 2: Dexter https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-1195043
Player 3: Millo https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-3569377

Team Time Zone: GMT -3
Team Name: TocToc
Captain: AOEByzantines
Team Captain’s Discord:Player 1: TocToc.AOEByzantines Elo 1v1 max: 1750 Link incoming
Player 2: TocTocNagharoth Elo 1v1 max: 1671 https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-1932922
Player 3: TocToc.Marc-A Elo 1v1 max: 1650 https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-1954060
Team Time Zone:
Team Name: Taiwan AoE Gamer / [TAG]
Captain/manager: Dragon
Captain’s/manager’s discord: Dragon#2777 (responsible for communication and scheduling, NOT playing, just responsible contact for scheduling etc.)Player 1: [TAG] Cloud https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-199419
Player 2: [TAG] Sora kuma https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-209118
Player 3: [TAG] Z40 https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-726223
Player 4: [TAG] Youpudding https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-5376904
Player 4: [TAG] Wayne Chang https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-4814983
Team Time Zone:
Team Name: AMa Lee Didowy Team / AMLDT
Captain/manager: Dragon
Captain’s/manager’s discord: Dragon#2777 (responsible for communication and scheduling, NOT playing, just responsible contact for scheduling etc.)Player 1: kw https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-372422
Player 2: Rayz https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-11457005
Player 3: Taeyoon https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-1691357
Player 4: a8841004 https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-12091
Team Time Zone:
Team name: FOX
Captain: Margougou
Team Captain’s Discord:Player: Fox.Margougou https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-2368761
Player: Fox.Mihai06 https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-288714
Player: Fox.Sebastian https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-2783660
Team Time Zone:
Team Name: LACA and Friends
Team Captain: LACA | Acro17
Team Captain’s Discord: Acro17Player 1: LACA | Acro17 (AoEnet link: https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-907793)
Player 2: LACA | Terz (AoE2net link: https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-573282)
Player 3: WeanDinchester (AoEnet link: https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-300565)Team Time Zone: GMT +2


Team Name: LACA
Team Captain: LACA | Madtomski
Team Captain´s Discord: MadtomskiPlayer 1: LACA | Madtomski https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-989253
Player 2: LACA | Wes Iwobi https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-4171293 active account: https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-253145
Player 3: LACA | Mr. Dobbsn https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-2808827Team Time Zones: GMT +2

Team Name: The Amigos
Team Captain: Somero
Team Captain’s Discord:Player1: Valas https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-628503
Player2: Ganji https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-9555704
Player3: Somero https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-264353
Player4: Mununez https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-3444509
Player5: Barles https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-666976
Team Time Zones:
Team Name: SalzZ
Team Captain: WaRRioR
Team Captain’s Discord:Player1: SalzZ_WaRRioR https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-1626982
Team Name: Kame House
Team Captain: eren_aoe
Team Captain’s Discord:
Player 1: KH_Eren https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-2295504
Player2: KH_Envyz https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-401359
Player3: KH_Siesta https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-6345180
Player4: HGBAOE https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-profile-4412109
Player5: ImFury
Team Time Zones:
Team Name: YouteGG_Main
Team Captain: Wintorez
Team Captain’s Discord:
Player 1: Wintorez https://www.aoe2insights.com/user/11676156/
Player2: Jackio https://www.aoe2insights.com/user/7538572/
Player3: Alfons_Dober https://www.aoe2insights.com/user/8632906/
Team Time Zones:
Team Name: BK + Alive Team
Captain: Faraday
Team Captain’s Discord: Faraday#6459
Team Time Zones: