Chapter 1: Establishment

  1. The “Global Federation of Clans” is a self-established non-profit union of clans of esport games, founded on February the 28th 2019.
  2. Founding Members and Legitimate Owners of the Federation are the Clans mentioned below:
  • Age4Greeks [A4G], Greece
  • Age2Italia, Italy
  • SickTacticz [sT], International
  • Straya [Straya], Australia & New Zealand
  • Alliance Francophone [Fr’],  Canada & France & Belgium & Switzerland
  • Fratres Fenni fidi [Weljet], Finland
  • Latin Kingdoms [LAK], America
  • BuzZ, International
  • EZ_COMPANY, International
  • NHN, Spain and International
  • Eycofcu, Turkey
  • LyF, International
  • Ror, International
  • Malatians, Turkey
  • CSA (Showed interest, not yet registered, deadline until end of March or lose Founding Rights)

Chapter 2: Purpose

  1. Main purpose of the Federation is the Further Development of the Member-Clans into esporting and therefore the further development of the individual player through his/her clan.
  2. Secondary purpose of the Federation is to establish an inclusive Global Tournament Environment for esport players, strictly through their clan. Thus Member-Clans are the main point of entry of any player and the only way to participate to federation tournaments and events is through their clan.
  3. Third Purpose of the Federation is to create an Organization that will Regulate the Operation and Conditions under which its member clans and players will compete in and be certified for, the Games involved.

Chapter 3: Management

  1. The Ultimate Decision Power and Authority of The Federation though resides in the Council of Clans which is consisted of the Clan Leaders and/or Representative as defined by their clans. All Founding Clans are Members of the Council and have equal voting rights.
  2. Any Legal or Major Decision is made by the Council of Clans, which is consisted by the Representatives of each Clan. Each Clan will be represented by its Leader and a second person in the Role of Representative.
  3. Being the clan which gave birth to the Idea, Age4Greeks Clan is in charge of the Management and the Executive Operations and leads the further development of the Federation, manages its websites and its capital. Council of Clans has full right to ask for transparency in the operations and full report of the activities, either in tournaments or in financial exchange.
  4. Council of Clans, being the Legal Owners of the Federation, have full and equal rights to its money and its brand. Age4Greeks retain the Management but has equal voting powers with the other member clans.
  5. The Founding Member Clans are Members of the Council of Clans by default. New Clans will have to be admitted to the Council of Clans after approval by the latter and after the minimum requirements are met, as demanded by the Council.
  6. A clan to be considered owner of federation and retain any seat at the council has to be Active, participate in events consistently, and promote the federation in its own clan members. In case a Leader needs to be off for some time he needs to appoint representative.

Chapter 4: Federation Capital – Funding – Distribution of Funds

  1. Any funds gathered by the members of the Federation or the Federation itself in Federation Related Tournaments or donations, belong to the Federation Member Clans in equal terms. As a non-profit organization, these funds will be invested in the operations and further development of the Federation and its Clans. 
  2. In case a clan or benefactor donates a considerable amount of funds (financial, material or service) to the Federation, the Donor has the right to choose the goal for these funds to be allocated, as long as these goals don’t conflict with the Purposes of the Federation as Described in Chapter 2.
  3. Federation Management will look for transparent ways and propose to the Council of Clans for approval for an effective way to manage donations and distribute funds.
  4. Global Federation of Clans is a Trademark and Title and Name that now belongs to the Federation and can’t be used by any other legal entity or person without official approval by the Council of Clans.

Chapter 5: Player-Clan-Federation Relations

  1. A player can access federation only through the Clan of his choice, as long as his Clan is member of the Federation.
  2. The Player reports only to its Clan.
  3. Only the Clan Leaders and the appointed Clan Representatives can represent a Clan and communicate with the Management.
  4. The Council of Clans and/or the Management (AGE4Greeks) have the right to appoint authorities or roles to a player only if his/her Clan Leader Approves it.
  5. The Federation has the Right to Publish News only related to Federation Events or Issues. Clan issues are considered internal affairs in which the Federation can only intervene after the Request and Approval of the Clan Leader.

Chapter 6: Tournaments & Events

  1. The organization of Tournaments and Events are decided by the Council of Clans and run/managed by the Management.
  2. Tournaments will be organized in a way that serves Chapter 2 and in an inclusive way for players of all ranks. Race, Sex, or other discrimination will not be accepted.
  3. Hosting of Tournaments & Events are done exclusively under the approval of the Council of Clans and in the platforms approved by the latter. No sole player or clan can claim ownership of an event without first getting approval from the Council of Clans.

Chapter 7: Violations

  1. Any Clan that fails to abide by the current Statute, is immediately excluded from the Federation, after proper hearing and after final decision of the Council of Clans.
  2. Any player misconduct in a game or event will be reported to its Clan Leader. Second violation of the same person will be reported to the Council of Clans with the question of permanent banning from future events.

   Chapter 8: Disclaimer

  1. The Federation claims no rights to Legally Obtained Copyrights Related to Games or  Software already hold by companies or organizations both in a Country or Global Level.
  2. The Federation as non-profit Organization makes no commercial use of any software, its purpose is only to entertain and educate players and receive funding purely for maintaining and further developing its structure and operations.
  3. The Federation retains all Legal rights in possible and expected profits generated to third parties through it’s operation through the promotion of games and tournaments.
  4. The Federation Claims the Genuine Idea of the Global eSports Federation as its own Intellect Property and in accordance to the International Law.
  5. For the time being, the Federation is not yet a registered legal entity operating under any national law.